Thursday, October 23, 2008

A co-worker calls me. "Hey Dave. Want to play in a softball tournament?"

  • I remember that I haven't played softball in a really long time.
  • I forget why that is so I answer, "Sure!".

The day of practice...

  • I remember that I'm going to need my glove and bat.
  • I forget where I put them the last time I used them. In fact, I'm not sure i even remember what they look like.

I show up for practice and begin warming up...

  • I remember how to throw a ball.
  • I foget how important stretching is, especially at my age.

We finish warming up and begin practicing fielding the ball. I start out in the outfield. A fly ball comes my way and I begin to sprint towards where I think I need to be to catch it.

  • I remember now why stretching would have been a really good idea.
    The pain that is shooting up the back of my leg will serve to remind me for the rest of the evening that next time I should stretch first.
  • I forget that I'm not as quick as i once was and the ball drops untouched in the outfield. I'm bent over, hands on knees, wheezing and looking at it like it's a big white turd. I pick it up and throw it in.

Its my turn to practice batting.

  • I remember to keep my eye on the ball.
  • I forget that my eyesight is now iffy at best.

I take a mighty swing... and miss.

  • I remember that cracking sound my back makes as being a really bad sign that something isn't quite right.
  • I forget that intense pain will follow shortly and I'll wonder why my back hurts.

I take another swing... and make solid contact with the ball.

  • I remember to follow through. I am pleased with my effort and stand admiring the flight of my well hit ball.
  • I forget that I'm supposed to be running to first base.

I'm asked if I want to give playing first base a try.

  • I remember that you don't have to run very much when you play first. I tell them, "Sure!"
  • I forget that I don't have the hand/eye coordination of a 20 year old anymore and that it hurts like hell if you miss catching a ball being thrown to/at you at a velocity approaching the speed of light. SOFTball my ass, that thing felt like a brick.

I'm driving home from practice. The pain and stiffness is beginning to set in.

  • I remember now why it's been a really long time since I played softball.
  • I forget to take my exit off the freeway.

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