Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Please forward this to everyone in your inbox...

I'm reposting some of my old blog material,
mostly to get it all in one place again.
This was originally posted on My Space on May 4, 2008.

As a public service to you, my loyal readers, I feel it necessary to point out that you probably missed a very important anniversary yesterday.

SPAM turned 30 years old yesterday.

No... not that spam...

The other spam. The one that fills you mailbox with 100 billion pieces of worthless crap every single day. The one that clogs the internet worse than a tub full of lard will clog your arteries. Happy Fucking Birthday! (try to control your excitement)

The good news is that the original SPAM (the one made up of pork shoulder, ham, salt, water, and enough preservatives to be the envy of any self respecting mummy) is celebrating a milestone anniversary this year as well. Yep, 70 years ago someone decided it would be a good idea to combine those disgusting ingredients, shape them to look like a ham, seal it all in a can and cleverly disguise it as a food product. I'm pretty sure I have one of the original cans of that crap in my pantry.

Since then a movie, a musical, an untold number of comedy skits and even a game have been produced in it's honor.

And just because I'm a nice guy here are a couple of links to help you celebrate:

SPAM Homepage

Spamalot - The Game

And last but not least...

Oh and if you're the guy that invented the internet version of SPAM.... I hope you choke on a SPAM sandwich.

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